Sunday 25 August 2013

Positive or Negative ?(4)

Field surveys

Some channels conduct field surveys. The anchors go out in field to obtain Public Opinion. This is a good device but it does not produce desired results. The results are hampered and unreliable because of:-

       Level of general education in masses,
       Lack of understanding the topic being surveyed,
       In built desire to talk against anyone who is in power,
       Exuberance that results from being Television,
These surveys need to be restructured for obtaining desired results.


In conclusion it can be safely deduced that the Electronic Media instead of helping resolution of National Issues is causing insurmountable hurdles. To make this media really benign evolving a comprehensive Code of Conduct, to be adhered by all channels is essential. Culture of self evaluations should be developed. Each channel must have an internal body to evaluate and ensure that the channel performs with in these bounds.

An independent body to oversee any disputes should be formed having representatives from media, government and acknowledged independent minded public figures. Obviously implementation is difficult. In the present chaos that country is facing it is any body’s guess if such reforms can be implemented.

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