Sunday 25 August 2013

Positive or Negative ? (2)

The speed with which the information travels through electronic media is a major factor which has contributed in making this world into a global village. Provision, of correct, un-tempered and unbiased Information, live on real time basis, is the bedrock on which the whole edifice of this media is built, all over the world. 

With hind sight it was a misjudgment. The premise of self regulation was a mistake. It has resulted in the present chaos which has made it a very difficult task to regulate the Goliath. Genie is out of the bottle. Each channel according to its own commercial and other interests sets the limits on what is to be shown, with scant regard to what is good for the nation. Some evolve their own definition of national interest to suit their interests.
This puts an onerous responsibility on those who are associated with electronic media. The responsibility devolves not only on the field reporters but all concerned including owners of television channels as commercial interests are involved. If used judiciously this media is benign and can play a significant role in nation building conversely it can do irreparable harm unraveling the very fabric of the nation.

Obviously Channel Owner has supreme say in all matters pertaining to tone, tenor o f what is presented on his channel. Having no national policy to deter he commands an unrestricted power to propagate his own whims and caprices such as his provincial, sectarian/parochial leanings, tribal, party affiliations or outright personal rivalry which automatically inhibit his channels policy thus producing adverse impact of the media on national well-being.

Though they make efforts to camouflage their bias by various means however slants remains sectarian/parochial leanings, tribal, party abundantly clear to a discerning individuals. This stranglehold is contributing towards injurious and uncalled for effects of the media which otherwise could have been immensely beneficial in nation building. This outright control has to be restricted because freedom of expression or to do business cannot and should not be exercised if it hurts someone else’s freedom.

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